Hmm.. - 9.8.01 Morpheus
Apparently, 50megs is cutting back, and all free sites will be cut back to 12 MB with a 256kb upload limit. I guess they aren't really 50 megs anymore, unless you pay. This is bad. I'd appreciate suggestions from anyone reading.

Finalized Creeper - 9.16.01 Morpheus
This is an animation of the finalized Creeper, which, along with several other units, I finished the graphics for today.

Oracle's Death - 9.15.01 Morpheus
This is the Oracle's death sequence, enjoy =)

Oracle pt 2 - 9.14.01 Morpheus
Well, with the much faster and more efficient animating tools of 3D Studio MAX, Pro has finished up and sent me the complete Oracle .grp, as well as some pretty cool weapons/spell graphics as well. Also, here's an up close render of the newer Oracle:

Pic of the newer Oracle - 9.09.01 Morpheus
I said I'd show it, so here it is:
Yeah, it's a bit small, but I think it looks quite cool none-the-less. Maybe Pro will give me a bigger version soon =)

Revival - 9.08.01 Morpheus
Bet you thought we were dead huh? Well, to be completely honest with everyone, I thought so too for a while. I guess a lot of fan made projects go through at least one major slump due to lack of motivation or interest. My reason was basically I got a bit overwhelmed by the project, and with starting college and all, it went to the back burner. I really think that's over now. I'm sharing art duty with ProDemon, who has superior programs and skills, and he is already getting the oracle up to date (the one currently listed was lost when SCMAN disappeared, and we had no model). It looks cool, and Pro's textures look truly awesome. I hope to get a picture soon. Don't give up hope quite yet, because with War3 not coming out til next spring, we're milking SC for all it's worth :p

Deadline for Beta. - 8.22.01 Poisonicnuke
Hey people, there has been little activity lately with the testing inbox. So I decided it is about time to pick the testors. If you still want to test then send an email here. The deadline is today at 5pm PST. At 6pm I will select the four people and they will be contacted. They will need to reply to the email within 48 hours saying they still want to test. If they don't reply or the no longer wish to test then a replacement will be picked. I wish you all luck.

A few icons and wireframes. - 8.18.01 Morpheus
I know it's not much, but I've had these for a while...

Hey! - 8.04.01 Morpheus
I'm back, and I am refreshed. I really needed that. Anyway, I've got some ASM stuff to do, including an ability of the Stalker's called "Psi Drain" or something like that. It allows the Stalker to gain HP through kills. This means that the Stalker will start with a bit less HP, but will soon make up for it. The Negator's new abilities are also being finalized(not the ideas, the code for it). I'm wanting some visual news for once, so I think soon I'm going to find something to post, because I feel bad about the lack of news.

News - 8.04.01 Morpheus
I'm leaving for a few days starting Sunday. Don't worry, I'll be back soon, and then we'll wrap up the ASM actions and implement them, then start the testing. Again, I apologize for how long this is taking. Also, we DO have quite a bit more than the demo's three units done, obviously. Just because we're releasing three units in the demo doesn't mean that we only have three units done total, that'd be ridiculous :p Just wanted to clear that up.

Forum - 7.25.01 Morpheus
The forum is now at: Forum. Go there! :)

Just some updates - 7.28.01
First of all, I have actually gotten requests for testings, but not enough. So tell all your dorky little friends, enter! Secondly, the forums are down in case you haven’t noticed. I’ll find a temp solution.

Its been a while - 7.25.01 Poisonicnuke
Well people, the time of selection is upon us. What does that mean? Four, count them 4 of tta's fans are going to be very happy cuz they will be getting to help test the Demo. You might be asking yourself, how can I get this? Well you email And if you get picked then guess what? You get an ftp acount on my server and get to help me and my crackpot team of testers test! The requirements? You must be willing to spend the time to DL the demo, playtest with us. You must be able to run TTA, run an FSGS connector, and own Starcraft Broodwars. You have about 5 days to reply to this. Well? Go go go!

Peep - 7.25.01 Morpheus
Sorry for not updating in so computer had motherboard issues. Anyway, the demo is almost ready for testing, just a few more things to implement. The demo will have the Negator, Stalker, and Gorgolisk, with full sounds and portraits, and most if not all special abilities. It will also include a map, made by Poisonicnuke. It's gonna be cool :)

More progress. - 7.09.01 Morpheus
Well, I've been working with the iscript, and I can say one thing: making animations for units with a ton of frames is not fun :p Here's a combo animation for the Negator:

The melee slash needs a lot of work, making the other arm do something and such, but you get the idea.

... - 7.08.01 Morpheus
It's coming...

News - 6.27.01 Morpheus
New forum TTA Forum, and a move in the future to Custom Creations. This one will be painless for all of you :) In other news, the demo is going very well, I took some time to get a few wireframes and command buttons done that I may show later.

Hmm.. - 6.18.01 Morpheus
Is it possible to spam on your own news page? :P

A Little Eye Candy - 6.13.01 Morpheus
Well, this isn't much, but I took the time to remake my BC model Tuesday(I lost it a week after I made the last one in comp problems). Anyway, I made a little scene with it, using some damage textures I made.

Small Update - 6.07.01 Morpheus
I updated the units page with a few updated and new images. I changed the background on the Creeper's little image, because the gray was annoying. I also put up a cooler little image of the Gorgolisk and Psi Dampener, added a Khalai Worker portrait, and updated the Talon and APC(formerly known as the warp tank) ports.

Here are some newer up close and more detailed images of a few units:

That's all for now.

Demo Update - 6.04.01 Morpheus
I know it's been a while as far as updates go, but I've been doing a lot of technical stuff...and well, there's not much you can show for that until the final product. I've been getting a lot done on the Demo, and reall the only thing left as far as the technical aspect goes is editing the iscript and tweaking the new weapons and abilities. That MAY take awhile, because it could require a lot of testing. Anyway, that's all for now.

Units Page - 5.29.01 Morpheus
The units page is finally updated. HTML courtesy of Master Rahl.

New Forum - 5.28.01 Morpheus
We've got a new forum, the link's have been updated, so check it out. It doesn't have pop-ups!

1.08->Don't Panic! - 5.17.01 Morpheus
It's official, Starcraft patch v.1.08 is released, and as everyone knows, it's incompatible with all customs that aren't MPQ only. Since it's pretty unlikely that several essential programs will either never be updated or will take a long time, TTA likely won't be 1.08 compatible. This is unfortunate, but that's the way it goes. If things change, I'll let everyone know. On the bright side, this doesn't really affect the project, because we'll be releasing a separate .exe and MPQ anyway(possibly storm.dll? may be required if we edit it anyway), and that will be 1.07 compatible. So, don't worry, go ahead and upgrade if you want. I'll try and incorporate as much 1.08 material into TTA though, such as the balance changes. Finally, it's summer now, so...YAY :p
EDIT: Desler of Campaign creations says that though it gives some error messages, StarDraft patches work fine with 1.08. This is different from the alpha 1.08. It is still unknow whether StarDraft the actual software and StarGraft patches work. I'll find out.

Slight update. - 5.14.01 Morpheus
I've slightly updated the Heroes page. Also, I don't have much school left, so hopefully things will pick up after that. I've had some...unfortunate events occur which has deterred me a bit, but I believe things are going to be alright, so I wouldn't worry.

Dang.. - 5.07.01 Morpheus
Ok, I've been forced to delete ICQ because for some reason it started causing errors in my internet apps causing chain reactions, evetually crashing my programs through illegal ops. So, I won't have that available as communication for a while unfortunately. Also, if anyone has much knowledge about Rnaap(it's an MS dial-up prog), I'd appreciate it, because it's still crashing sometimes. The majority of the problems was fixed when I got rid of ICQ though. Anyway, for the uninformed, there's been many people lately that have been modeling Battlecruisers. The one I was most impressed with was a guy named Codebreaker's. So I figured, I can do that, and I made one on and off this weekend. I used CB's model and the SC manual as a reference. I figured that it would benefit TTA if we had a BC model if we ever needed one, because it could be used for many things. It needs a bit more work and a different texture for the neck. So, here's my BC:

That's all for now.

Been a long time... - 5.04.01 Morpheus
Yeah, it's been a while. Between work every night and school projects, I honestly have not had the time. I don't care if people think I'm making excuses, but whatever. I don't have to work again until next Wednesday, so I've got a reprieve. First off, Master_rahl of TTA Forum fame has indirectly updated the units page, so I thank him for that. Here's a lighter version of the Protoss buildings:

Also, I updated and changed the old Vampyr, and you can see the change in unit graphics on the units page, but I've also made a couple still images. These are not MAX quality and so they have no spectacular effects, and they also are not relevant to the story so far, but they're showing the new Acolyte and a small desert dwelling I made:

Many changes may be in store. The Protoss building may instead become an actually functional warp gate building, and the Zerg Building may have a Venus Fly Trap like ability. Also, I'm hoping to get a new forum, because those pop-ups are incredibly annoying. Anyways, I know it's not that big of an update, but I'm hoping there'll be more soon.

Whoops! - 4.16.01 Morpheus
I forgot to post this earlier, but Pro has been working on the Negator's portrait. Here's one animation of it:

Also, here's an image of some Protoss buildings I made:

That's it for now!

Link Button - 4.16.01 Morpheus
I made a link button for anyone who wants to link to us, so here it is:

It'll be on the main page only, so if you want it, you know where it is. That's all.

Welcome! - 4.14.01 Morpheus
   Hi, welcome to our new home! I've uploaded most of the site, and we're finally getting settled down at 50 megs, which is actually a pretty good host, I recommend it. Anyways, to celebrate finally getting a new home, I've prepared a few things. The main event, though, is a new piece of fiction, by me. It centers around one of the main heroes in The Terran Ascension, Samuel Kynes (check the updated heroes page), and the events leading up to TTA's main campaign. You can find it here: Story. I hope you enjoy it, and you may want to read the precursor story I wrote again as a refresher. The link for that is on the menu. I've been doing some revisions to the story to keep it fresh and new, as well as to keep it from affecting any possible Blizzard sequal. I've updated the Units page with several things also, so if you haven't been checking the forums, you may want to go there, too. The "Slug" is now the Creeper, and here is a little animation of it:

Also, I made a very simple still image of the Talon in space. It's mainly to show off the background nebula, which I think is pretty cool.

Here's an early animation of the Talon port, and I know it needs work:

That's it graphically. Finally, the Stalker is going to have one psionic ability, so if anyone has any good ideas, feel free to post them in the forum. That's all, and enjoy the story!

UPDATE - 3.27.01 Morpheus
   WOW! After such a long period of site down time, I decided to make an update, site or not. Well, despite what some may think, a lot of work has been going on in the background, even though I've been unable to update the site. Many things have been discussed in the forum, and a lot of good ideas has been suggested. First of all, I'd like to introduce the final units to the TTA line-up, the Gargoyle and another Zerg unit, currently unnamed and without a defined role. The Gargoyle will be the first melee Zerg air attacker. It attacks with the claws on its wings. Here's a picture of it:

The second unnamed unit is courtesy of ProDemon, and here it is:

Now, with the addition of these two units, the compliment is complete. With Zerg out of the way, we move to Terrans. Here is the SC-scale image of the Bomber portrait:
SCMAN has been hard at work and has done a great job on the Oracle (3D MAX goes a long way, thanks man :) Here is its new and updated form:
Finally, there's the Protoss. I have made quite a bit of progress on this race, especially in the portrait department. Displayed are, from left to right, the Talon port, Tank port, and the Vampyr port:

I'll try to have an animated version of a few of these later. I did do some animations of the tank portrait, but it looked too cartoonish, so I changed the texture to what you see now.
I've also been refining my Protoss model based on how Artanis looks in the BW campaign selection screen. As a result, here are some new images of the Khalai Worker(civilian):

Now for the ever-controversial unit, the Negator:

I've been trying to get a better image quality, so these could change in the future. Also controversial is the Warp Tank(gotta find a better name), which has had a little bit of tweaking done(the first image has some odd texture problem):

Finally, since the size of certain units in comparison to others has been the topic of some dispute, here is an accurate "chart" of how TTA's units size up to traditional ones:

   That concludes the visual portion of the update. Many on the forum know by now that the Gorgolisk will have some sort of invisibility, a "Chameleon"-like ability, such as blending in to its surroundings when standing still. I'm not sure if this was mentioned before, but the Oracle will have the abilities of Pyrokinesis, to set others on fire telepathically, and some sort of psychic shockwave. I've created some weapon graphics and found some others as well that will work for many units in the game for abilities and attacks.
   The demo progresses well, with Magic providing a multitude of quality sounds, me working on portraits and the Negator and Gorgo .grp's and SCMAN waiting to finish the Stalker .grp once he gets his new comp. I plan on getting a lot of the technical aspects of the demo done when I get time, using the latest version of Fusioned's editor, which is quite cool, now being able to modify StarEdit as well, if not totally bugfree on this new aspect. I'm going to have to edit the SG patch with Wordpad because of the new units, which is not fun :p Anyways, I'm glad I had the chance to put this up, because I've been wanting to for quite some time. Enjoy, and I'll try to do this more often, now that I've got a temporary space worked out.

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All images, HTML, content, and files are property of Jaded_Mule, Morpheus37X, or their respective owners.
Use of any of the above items without permission from their respective owners is prohibited. Starcraft is copyright Blizzard Entertainment and its parent company Havas Interactive.